This is one of our first pictures of baby bean. Our actual first picture probably shouldn't have happened the way it did.
Judy came to me complaining of back aches one day, and it got to be so bad that we called the doctor. The doctor sent us straight to the hospital, which put a bit of a panick in me. I rushed around the house as if Judy were in labor, only to sit at the hospital for no less than 5 hours before we were even seen...
Mercy Hospital just happened to be taking all patients from a nearby hospital that had closed to emergency room customers, so the lobby was packed. Judy and I sat in the lobby for quite a long time waiting to be called back. About 3 hours later we were called back, Judy's blood pressure was taken, and we explained to the nurse that our doctor requested that we have an Ultrasound done just to be safe. This, perhaps, caused us to wait even longer.
A few more hours went by and we entertained ourselves by doing some 'sick people' people watching. Coughs. Headaches. One girl seemingly comotose on two chairs pushed together like a makeshift couch. And then there's Judy, completely still in pain but barely saying a word.
There's a strength in Judy that is inspiring to me. She quietly endures stress, pain, and nausea, all the while staying beautiful and supportive of me.