Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We hope that everyone had a safe and happy Halloween! Ours went pretty smoothly. It was such a nice evening that we decided to forgo the mall trick-or-treating and stick to the neighbor hood this year. Zander went out to the nearest 4 houses and Zoey made it all the way down the block and over one street! As you can see by the pictures, Zoey was a princess this year--Princess Aurora, and Zander was a duck. It was pretty cute--Zander learned how to say, "Quack! Quack!" In fact Zander's language has exploded in the past week or so. He can sign: book, quiet, apple, light, bath, more. He can say: Dada, Mama, thank you, all done, nana, papa, banana, night-night, hi. (I am sure there is more. . .I will continue to add to the list.)

Here are the pictures of our Halloween events:

Zoey was so excited about trick-or-treating that she never really did stay still long enough to take a good picture of her in her costume.

Zoey made Halloween finger-puppets for her friends at daycare.

Here is our attempt at pumpkin carving this year. . .maybe next year!

Last weekend there was a Halloween party at our church. The kids had a great time.
Zander had a good time. Here he is amazing everyone with his ability to bowl. . .er. . just knock the pins down by walking into them.

Zoey had fun walking around to all the different games and events. There was scary stories, cake walk, fishing, pop-toss, and other fun carnival type games.

And of course the big inflatable jumping thing. . .

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

Auntie Tammy went with us today to the Pumpkin Patch today. It was a little windy, but a pretty nice fall day. Here are the pictures of our adventure. . .

Tammy carries Zoey out of the pumpkin patch. . .

Zander and I found his pumpkin first so he hung out on the tractor for a bit.

Zoey is just a little over 3 ft. tall this year. . .according to the scarecrow.
Here is last year's picture--she has grown quite a bit!
The apple donuts were a big hit with all of us!

Ta-Dah! Zoey made it to the top of Straw Mountain.

Tammy and the kids

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ah Yes!

Uncle Rob reminded me of a funny story--so let me elaborate a bit.

So when we were up in Moorhead visiting, the first night we had the idea that the girls could share a room for the night. So we put the girls to bed--Kylie in her bed and Zoey on the cot. It seemed pretty quiet for a bit and then Zoey comes to the door and tells us that Kylie has to go potty. So Kylie goes potty and we try it again. Then Zoey comes to the door, opens it and says that Kylie is afraid of the monster in the room. So Rob and Nicole go about fixing that problem and we try again. The girls are still concerned about the monster--so we decide that maybe sharing a room isn't such a good idea.

We remove Zoey from the room and put her in with us and Zander. When Tyler told Zoey that she was going to sleep in Zander's room instead, Zoey says, "That is a great idea!"

I take Zoey into the new room and start to whisper to her that she is going to sleep here instead. She tells me, "That is good. Kylie was afraid of the monster. I was the monster!" And she starts to giggle.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

When told she was getting a new cousin. . .

Zoey started crying, "But I like Kylie!"

I don't think we ever officially announced it on our blog. Congratulations Rob and Nicole! Can't wait to hear if it is a boy or girl next week!

Wonderful Weekends

It was a 4 day weekend for us, so we headed up north to Moorhead to visit Uncle Robby, Auntie Nicole, and Cousin Kylie. Grandma and Grandpa Nyhlen came down on Saturday to spend the day with all of us, too!

Here is Zander sleeping in the car. Doesn't he look comfy?

One of the times that all the kids were happy playing together. There tends to be a lot of tears when 1, 2, and 3 year olds all are learning how to share.

Grandpa rescues Zander from one of his "I am going to walk this way" moments.

On Saturday, we went to a children's museam. It was a really nice day.

Zoey got to play at a park. Her favorite thing to do is to get on these springy animals and yell, "Yippee Kay Yi Yay! Cowgirl Zoey!"Zander explored the entire museum!

One of Zoey's favorite rooms was the music room--she got to make a ton of noise.

Cousin Kylie also liked the music room.

The highlight of the trip (at least for the kids and maybe grandpa) was going on the merry-go-round. We are pretty sure that this was Zander's first time on the carousel. He seemed to like it.
When we got back, Grandma and the girls went out the rake/play in the leaves.
Here is Zander moments before his face met the sidewalk--he looks like he won a pretty good fight.
Once we were home sweet home on Sunday, Zander continued working on the yard. We will never get rid of all of the leaves that continue to fall!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

New Shoes

Zoey and I went to the mall today buy new ballet and tap shoes. We also decided that Zander needed big boy shoes to celebrate his new talent. He was so taken with them that for the first few minutes after I put them on his feet he wouldn't walk. He just sat there and played with them. He did start walking in them and they look fabulous!

Here is a clip of a semi-typical play session between Zoey and Zander. . .

Teddy Bear Park

Our friends Roz and Kevin and their daughter Hazel came to visit on Saturday. They had never been to Teddy Bear Park in Stillwater, so since it was so nice out. . .we took them! It is a wonderful park for kids under 3 years old because everything is proportioned just right. Now that Zander is walking he was able to explore the park on his own terms. He walked all over that park!

Zoey had a great time, too. She immediately found a girl her age, went up and introduced herself and they played together until the other girl had to leave. It was very sweet. Also check out her hair! She is letting me put a "whale spout" in her hair almost every day now!

Oh the difference a year makes. . .same bear. . .same kids. . .a year ago. . .

They grow up so fast!

Zander is starting to look more like a little boy to me than a baby. With all his walking around, he is able to do so much more.
Speaking of growing up to soon. . . anyone need a ride?

Friday Night, Party Night

It was the annual cookout at Mary's Little Lambs and what a beautiful night! It was a little chilly, but we all had fun! Mary had a pinata for the kids and once they got the hang of it, they had a blast trying to break it open.

Zoey was thrilled when she saw what was inside. She stuffed all of our pockets with goodies.

Zander on the other hand, kept picking up things and putting them back into the pinata.

He kept sitting at the table, waiting to be served.

Right before we left, Bob gave all the kids a tractor ride around the yard.

Next year we are looking forward to staying a little longer as it will be the first time that both kids will be able to stay up longer than 7pm and still be happy campers!