Sunday, April 17, 2005

Our new stroller--another milestone :-)

This is Judy here! I am so excited to post my very first blog! Tyler has been teaching me and now I can add to it too. Target had a sale today on strollers and carseats so--what the hay. We went to get them. Unfortunately they were sold out of the car seat, but as the due date gets closer I just want to get all of the stuff that Bean really needs.

Well, at 33 weeks Bean is still VERY active. I wonder if that is a sign of things to come. . . . everything they say in the books are basically what is happening to me. My feet swell, my back aches, a good night's sleep is a distant memory. But considering the outcome--it will all be worth it.
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Our Other Webpage

We can't decide yet if we'll use this blog or the babiesonline webpage, but I thought I'd create a link so visitors can see both.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Studying up to be a dad


Spending Christmas at Grandpa and Grandma Nyhlen's, learning how to be a good dad.  I'm joined by Auntie Gracie who is studying how to be a good lap dog.  She's getting better.
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Pics from the Cradle

Here we are doing a self-portrait before we get started with the crib.

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Judy in the crib...Bean's first visit to her bedtime chamber.
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Tyler goofing around behind bars.
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The crib is finally built.  It wasn't too hard afterall, and we only had a few screws and bolts leftover!
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7 Weeks to Go

We just passed the 33 week mark on 4/15/05. I'm sure things have been pretty real for Judy, but ever since taking the childbirth class, things are growing ever more real for me.

I have dreams about changing diapers and late night feedings, about playing and cooing with Bean. I really can't wait, but I'm starting to get nervous. I don't doubt that I can be a good father, and I recognize that I'll make mistakes. I'm just hoping to minimize my mistakes and pray that Bean will forgive an anxious, new dad.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

My Pregnancy Weight

I've gone on a diet during pregnancy. Don't know why. This is a pic of me sticking my stomach out. Totally Phat.

We have a similar pic of Judy, but she wasn't very keen on having it displayed throughout the web.

I lost the weight by exercising and eating a "low-carb" diet. I'll probably stop the low carb diet when Bean arrives because it is too hard to make multiple meals and take care of a newborn. I'll miss this diet, though. I'm as light as I was in high school, going from a lifetime high of 225lbs to a recent low of 183lbs. Not bad.

A Profile View

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This is one of our first pictures of baby bean. Our actual first picture probably shouldn't have happened the way it did.

Judy came to me complaining of back aches one day, and it got to be so bad that we called the doctor. The doctor sent us straight to the hospital, which put a bit of a panick in me. I rushed around the house as if Judy were in labor, only to sit at the hospital for no less than 5 hours before we were even seen...

Mercy Hospital just happened to be taking all patients from a nearby hospital that had closed to emergency room customers, so the lobby was packed. Judy and I sat in the lobby for quite a long time waiting to be called back. About 3 hours later we were called back, Judy's blood pressure was taken, and we explained to the nurse that our doctor requested that we have an Ultrasound done just to be safe. This, perhaps, caused us to wait even longer.

A few more hours went by and we entertained ourselves by doing some 'sick people' people watching. Coughs. Headaches. One girl seemingly comotose on two chairs pushed together like a makeshift couch. And then there's Judy, completely still in pain but barely saying a word.

There's a strength in Judy that is inspiring to me. She quietly endures stress, pain, and nausea, all the while staying beautiful and supportive of me.

8 Weeks to Go...