Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all my favorite dads! This weekend Tyler got some time to himself as I took the kids up for a Grand Forks adventure. The car ride was long, but the trip was a success and as always it was nice to be around family. Uncle Rob and Aunt Nicole and kids were there too.

Grandpa and the Grandkids sitting in Princess

Uncle Robby and Kristie hanging out in the backyard.

Zoey and Kylie take time out from their playing for a picture.
The little dude. . .just having fun at the park.

Zander's new found passion--basketball. Grandma Nyhlen found this hoop at a garage sale and Zander will be so excited when he learns that I brought it home with us. Thanks Grandma!

Zander got to play around in the Miata for a while on Sunday--he really got a kick out of that.

Kristie thinks hard about. . . something.

They don't look like they are having fun at all!
What do you think of Zander's outfit? He thinks he is such a big boy!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Other June Happenings

School is officially done for me. Tyler is back at it for the summer quarter at his school. Our summer just started and already it has been busy. This weekend we had a successful garage sale--in that we sold a lot of stuff and had a good time hanging out in the beautiful outdoors. Zoey proved to be quite the handful on Saturday as she "helped" out with the sale.

Saturday was the day that Tyler and I just kept going through the garage and our house finding more and more stuff to get rid of. We came across the dart board that we had at our old house when our basement was a game room. We haven't used it since we moved here and thought we could try to sell it. Zoey saw it and was immediately interested in this thing she never knew we always had. Tyler laid it out and we put a fair price on it. When a customer asked, "How much?" I noticed that Zoey had covered the price tag with all the darts. Later on that day, I was going around reorganizing some items and looked down at the old rugs I was trying to sell and noticed that the price tag on them said, "$25 firm." Well, no wonder no one was buying the rugs that I had originally priced at $4 for both! ZOEY!!!

We took this as a hint from Zoey and took the dart board off the market--we will hang it in the garage and hope when she goes on to win the National Dart Board Championship, she remembers all those who got her there.

Here are some pictures of our summer so far. . .

A wonderful day for the pool! Zoey jumped right in, Zander was a little more hesitant. Although, he was all for posing for the camera. (Dad, I know he doesn't have his hat on, but this is a darn cute pose.)

Zoey and Zander enjoyed some cupcakes in honor of Uncle Rob's birthday. (OK, fine they were left over cupcakes from school, but they were eaten on the 5th of June!)

Zoey has been testing every limit out there since she turned four. Here is a picture of her after a typical night of refusing to stay in her bedroom at bedtime.

Zander is in the mist of a language explosion! He is putting together phrases and really getting the hang of this communication thing. . .

Just some of his phrases include:
Dadda go?
Ba, where are you?
Mama sleeping!
Thank you
All done milk.
My turn (my gurn)
Dadda juice, please
baball baball tins (Baseball, Twins!)

In the video you will hear: I did it! and Bug, bug, bug. . .

Dance Recital

Showing off her medal with ice cream all over!

Add ImageZoey had her Show Day for dance and gymnastics at the beginning of June. It was fun to watch what she has learned and enjoy her excitement of performing. If you know Zoey at all, you know that she isn't shy! In fact, she seems to crave the attention most of the time. As always, a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds showing off routines is an event to witness. Zoey was most proud of the medal she received.

Random Zander Picture