Saturday, September 08, 2012

First Day of School

 We officially have a 2nd grader and a preschooler. Here are the first day pictures.

Zoey is loving second grade and comes to my classroom every day with a smile on her face. Always a good thing...

Zander will have 2 days a week of preschool this year and seems to really like it! He loves his teachers. When I came to pick him up on the first day of school he almost looked disappointed that I was there. Also a good sign. . .

Warrior Dash 2012!

My only regret was the 'stach, it seemed like a funny idea at the time. But other than that it was a fabulous time with some good friends and family! It was a 5K obstacle course complete with mud, barbed wire, and fire. Last night when we were showing the kids what Mommy and Daddy were doing, they were very afraid for our lives. Zander told us a few times, "I don't want you to die. It is only little fire, right?"

Tyler and I did very little training for this race but we did it anyway. We were joined by my brother Rob, and our good friends Kevin, Carolyne, and Daryl.
 Uncle Robby leaped over fire and slid down mountains of mud.

 Tyler and I swam through muddy water under the barbed wire.
And Kevin cheated a little, according to my brother, because he stood up. But I won't hold that against him.
By the end we were caked in mud and ready for our beer. We are already talking about a repeat race next year. Only time will tell....

 Back at the home front. . . .
Grandma Nyhlen kept herself busy by creating the Warrior Dash, Jr. for all the kids. Complete with a waiver for all the parents and kids to sign.

 As the kids lined up at the starting line, my mom was in her teaching element and explained the course to the kids.
 There was fire jumping. . .
Running. . .
 Hoop jumping. . .

 Crawling over cars, avoiding the spinkler, logging jumping and of course. . .
 A finishers medal! The kids enjoyed it. Except for the little cutie below. . .there is always next year!
Thank you to everyone for doing the race with us and/or joining us later on to celebrate our completion of the Warrior Dash and my birthday! It was a great day!!!!