Friday, January 30, 2009

Just For Fun!

So Zander is now 18 months old and learning new things each day. He is using more words and communicating quite well. Both Tyler and I love the way he will bring us a book and back up into our laps for us to read to him. He loves to play with play-dough and he would draw with markers all day long, if we let him. (Unfortunately, he tends to write on everything but the paper--so much to his dismay, markers are not for him yet!) His mouth is always open with his tongue sticking out. Cute!

Last weekend the kids and I headed out to Mayer to visit Roz, Kevin and Hazel. It is always nice to see them and let the kids play together (or at their ages parallel play together).

For Christmas, Auntie Tammy gave Zoey an Art Tool Box. Tammy said that she and Zoey would do art projects together every once in a while. So a couple of weeks ago, they worked on making creatures. Zoey loves art projects and art supplies.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Classic Zoey!

So the first video is long, but it shows what Zoey has been doing in dance class. . Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Zoey's Show Off Day

Tyler wanted to title this blog entry "Did she even attend any classes?" but I decided she is only 3 and she is having fun! :-)

The Introduction:

I am having technical difficulties--once I figure it out, I will post a few of her routines. She is quite the dancer!

My Little Pre-Reader

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Latest Transcript

Mommy: Come on, kids! We are going on errands.
Zoey: Yay, we are going to go get toys!
Mommy: Why do you think we are going for toys?
Zoey: I don't know. We can go to Target.
Mommy: No, we are going to Lakeshore, the Library, and Toys R Us. (I sing:) Where a kid can be a kid.
Zoey: No, Mommy, that's Chuck E. Cheese's.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Zoey's Drawing and Writing Her Name

Zoey has been very focused on her drawing lately. The other day she was telling me how she wanted to draw like Uncle Eric. I think she is on her way. . .

I love watching the process of kids learning to draw and write. This first picture is very special to me, because as she was drawing she made a squiggly line and said, "Oh My! I made a Z!" Then she made the connection and tried writing an O next to it. By the time she got to the E, she exclaimed, "Mommy! I'm writing my name!" Then she finished it off with the Y.

I couldn't have been prouder!

Zoey told me that this is a picture of a fairy. See her wings?

Saturday, January 03, 2009


"That's right, ladies. . .I'm Yummy!"
As Tyler told me tonight, "Zander has been taking his cute pills lately." They have been working! Almost everything he does is cute. (Except for the tantrums, the fighting with his sister, and the throwing of food at the dinner table.) The other day he put on Zoey's new apron and chef hat (Yes, it is almost always his idea) and wore it around for a while.

Zander and Zoey used daddy as a riding horse the other morning.

We spent New Year's Eve at Roz, Kevin, and Hazel's house. It was fun to hang out and play games. Zoey absolutely adored Hazel's new kitten Molly. (Nobody get any cute ideas. . .we are not ready for a pet.)

One of the things I have been meaning to do on the blog lately is document some of the words that Zander has been saying. Fourtunately, he said all my favorites on the video clip below. But here is a list of words he can say at 17 months:

Melmo = Elmo (my favorite)
Gocks = socks
People: dada, mama, nana, poppa, Bob
Food: cracker, nana (banana)
all done
bye bye
Animal noises: moo, baa, neigh,quack-quack (another favorite of mine), he can also howl like a coyote and growl like a bear/lion