Wednesday, March 02, 2011

"Kisses aren't treats. They're love." ~ Zander, Age 3.5

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Head-head. . .tomp-tomp. . .tummy FULL!

There are a lot of dance parties going on at our house lately. One of Zander's favorite shows is Yo Gabba Gabba and one of the bits is called Dancey Dance. Most the time a famous person will come on the show and teach the kids/characters a new dance move. The video above shows Zanders original dancey dance moves. He narrates it just like the show. "Head-head. . .tomp-tomp. . tummy FULL!"

Fun facts about the kids at this moment in time:
  • Zander can't say his s-blends. (Hence the cuteness that is tomp-tomp. He will also ask for us to read a tory, and let us know when he is cared.)
  • Zoey can read just about anything. Today she read all about Helen Keller and was very interested in how she went to college when she was 20 years old!
  • Zoey can't stand guacamole.
  • Zander still doesn't eat much meat.
  • Zander has become totally comfortable at church. When I am singing up front, he will just walk up and hand me his garbage or stand next to me or go hang out in front of the alter--just for kicks. At least he keeps things interesting.
  • Zander is 3 years 7 months and still no interest in the potty. (I know that he will want to know about this when he is older.)
  • Both Zoey and Zander start swimming lessons this week at the YMCA.
  • Favorite Movies at the moment: Toy Story 3 and Despicable Me
Funny things the kids have said this past month or so:
  • Zander woke up at 5:45 in the morning. I told him to play in his room while Mommy and Daddy slept. Every 5 minutes he came into the room asking for something. "Mommy, can I have lemonade in a sippy cup?" Me--"No! Mommy wants to sleep. You have to wait." Zander--"Ok. . . .I'll try daddy."
  • Out delivering cookies with Zoey. She played shy with most everyone. I asked her why she is always so quiet around my friends but so LOUD with me? Her response, "Loud is how I say I love you."
  • Zander 'wrote' a book called, "How you to find a balloon."
  • Zander broke his buzz lightyear doll. He wants me to send it back to Santa's workshop. "Santa will fix it."
  • Loves that Zander calls the humidifier in his room "that thing that makes me have no hiccups!"
  • In my quest for the "Mother of the Year" title, I decided that it would be FUN to let the kids play around with my kickboxing gloves. Zoey punches a lot harder with the gloves on and Zander was just overheard saying, "Let's go downstairs and I can hit you!"

My bundles of joy!