Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend

As is tradition, we drove up to Brooten to celebrate Thanksgiving with my side of the family. It is always nice to see everyone and the food is fantastic! Here are some pictures from our weekend.

Here is Zoey showing off her Turkey hat she made at daycare.

Here is Zoey "helping" decorate for Christmas on Friday.

Here is triple trouble--Cousin Kylie, Zander and Zoey. Once they are all mobile--we will all need to take cover!

Kylie is a hugging machine! She was full of hugs when it was time to leave today.

More hugs from Kylie.

Hey Kylie, where are my hugs?

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy GivingGivings Day!

We spent our "Givingsgivings Day" (as Zoey kept refering to it today) at Nana and Grandpa's house. It was a tasty meal and good company. Zander basically just chilled the whole day--did whatever. He showed off his new skill of rolling from his back to his tummy over and over again.

Zander meets Ernie face to face for the first time.

Zoey horse roughed with us a little and wore herself out. We even got a quick little nap in today! Yeah!
Zoey and Tammy spent some time together looking at pictures on the "puter."

The semi-annual Livingston Family picture--getting bigger every year!

Another couple Zoeyisms:

Last night when it was time to clean up, I asked Zoey to put away the magic 8 ball. She picked it up and said, "Let's answer it first!"

(Tranlastion: Let's ask the 8 ball a question first.)

Every morning (and at lunch and dinner) we ask Zoey what she wants to eat and the answer is 95% of the time: "eat meal!"

(Translation: oatmeal)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Daycare

I was driving the kids to daycare today and hear Zoey in the backseat saying, "Don't hit me! Don't hit me!" Knowing full well that it can't be Zander she is talking to, I look back and see her hitting her hands saying, "Don't hit me!" Then she proceeded by taking both hands and hitting her face saying, "Oh, their working together!"

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bright spots in an otherwise difficult day. . .

It has come to be that Zoey just doesn't nap for us on the weekends--no matter how hard we try or how tired she really is. Then it gets to be so late in the afternoon that if she really did fall asleep then she would never go to bed at a decent time. Unfortunately this makes for very trying evenings around our household on the weekends. (She naps just fine at daycare.) As you all know, 2 year olds that are sleep deprived cry at the drop of a hat and are hard to reason with. Zoey is now unsuccessfully working on trying to go to sleep as I blog. Despite the extreme test of our patience today, here are some of the highlights. Above are Zoey and Zander enjoying some sibling time inbetween a rousing game of hide-and-go-seek. Zoey loves trying to find where Zander hides. I would also like to add that Zoey had a fantastic potty-training day! I am so proud of her. She is starting to do it all by herself! (Thanks Lisa for the M&M suggestion--maybe the sugar high from potty training is why she isn't napping :-)

Zoey dressed Zander in one of her hats to go over to Nana and Poppa's house for a couple of hours today. Thank you for having them as guests!

After being kicked out of the kitchen, Zoey joins daddy and Zander for storytime before dinner. This was such a sweet sight. Zander seems to really enjoy stories. Today before one of his naps he started laughing when I read one of our Mrs. Wishy-Washy books--it made me giggle.

This picture was from last week. I just thought I would add it to the pictures that I need to look at when we have a tough day. They really are just so sweet!

Friday, November 02, 2007