Friday, July 22, 2011

Mid-Summer Report

So I have a lot of catching up to do with the blog and that will come as soon as I have the time and energy (at the same time). It has been a busy summer. The kids have accomplished A LOT and there have been some funny quotes that need to be documented. Here we go:

  • Has learned how to ride a two wheeler!
  • Has learned how to tie her shoes!
  • Took swimming lessons for 2 weeks and now can float and go under the water effortlessly (with goggles).
  • Went to Nature Camp and survived the hottest week of the summer!
  • June 9th: So I have a headache and Zander saw my pills sitting on the counter and asked what they were. Zoey told him is was "ass brain" to help mommy's head.
  • May 19th: Another Zoey quote: "Mommy, the screen porch is looking very nice! You're doing a nice job. Soon it will be old again and you will need to fix it. . .that's the life cycle you know."
  • Took swimming lessons and is quite brave in the water now.
  • Obsessed with Batman and superheros.
  • Loves to play dress-up: knight in shining armor, batman, pirate, cowboy.
  • Has taken an interest in making everything into a gun and shooting people.
  • Topic: death. Zander: When I die you will be sad. But then I come ALIVE again. Me: I would be really sad if you die. But once your dead you don't come back to life. Zander: Uh-huh! Remember Jesus? (Wow! He is really listening!)
  • "Zander! Stop running! You're going to fall!" Zander tells me, "I was running to tell Zoey not to run!" I reply, "So you broke the rules to tell Zoey not to break the rules?" Zander comes back, "Well that's what police guys do!" (I wasn't expecting that one.)
  • Dinner conversation tonight: bullies. Zoey and I were talking about what to do if a bully was around. Zander says, "Be careful, bullies don't like red."
Both Kiddos:
  • Were recently introduced to the magic that is STAR WARS. Zoey didn't want to watch it at first--but has really gotten into it. Both she and Zander are pretty good at telling about the plot and the characters. Their Star Wars knowledge is now far greater then their mom's.
  • Will be spending their first week at Camp Grandma and Grandpa next week--as I will be out of town for a conference and Tyler will be working. It will be the longest time they have ever been away from mommy/daddy. Might be harder on me than them.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

May and June

In May we took the kids to the Wildwood/OHA School carnival. It was a lot of fun and when I asked Zoey what her favorite part was, she said it was meeting the king and the queen (aka the principals of the two schools.)

Zander has been experimenting with different hairstyles. He calls this one his spiky hair.

May Projects

With the amazing help of my cousin Allen, we were able to finally redo our porch and deck. It is now one of our favorite spots in the house. Now that the kids are a bit more independent, Tyler and I have spent many nights on the porch--it is so relaxing!

Now when anything in our house needs to be fixed, the kids tell us to call Allen.