Tuesday, September 06, 2011

First Day of School!

Zoey is officially a Wildwood 1st grader! I dropped her off this morning with mixed emotions--she is growing up SO fast! Her teacher this year is Mrs. Marshall. Zoey told me today that she is pretty much the nicest teacher around. I know that Zoey had a great first day at school by all that she told me after school. She got to go to music and Spanish class today. One of her classmates had a birthday and brought treats! She already has a lot of friends and she wants to go back tomorrow. So all in all a great start.

Another new thing for Zoey this fall will be piano lessons! Zoey will be taking lessons from her music teacher--she thinks that is pretty cool! I am looking forward to hearing her learn more songs than Hot Crossed Buns.

Both kids will start swimming lessons in about 2 weeks. They both made so much progress this summer with their swimming, we are looking forward to them even learning more.

Zander will be taking a sports sampler class in October. It is time to get him into some organized activities. This one is a parent/child class--so that will be a blast!

Tyler starts up with his Administration classes again tomorrow night. This go around: School Financing--sounds riveting, huh?

I plan on just trying to keep everything moving smoothly and get the kids where they need to go when needed.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Other Florida Highlights. . .

One of the highlights of our Florida vacation (and the reason that spurred it all) was that I got to see and visit with my grandparents for a few days. It has been quite a while since I had been down to Florida. We played cards (Garbage of course.) Zoey played checkers with great-grandpa. We went out to eat and we enjoyed their company! Above is all of us at the Cracker Barrel restaurant.

Swimming at the pool.
This is the hotel room after our day at Epcot. The kids had just gotten their Star Wars action figures and they literally sat on the floor (after an exhausting day) for an hour and played very nicely together before conking out for the night.

Zoey and I at Steak n' Shake. The hats were the best!Here is Zander the morning of our return trip at the airport. NOT a happy camper.

Zoey was glad to be home!

Zander was even happier. . .

The Atlantic Ocean

On our vacation this summer we made an afternoon of seeing the ocean. My first inclination was that the waves would scare the children and they wouldn't want to swim there that long--I was so wrong. Both kids loved the big waves and the nice soft sand. It was a blast for us too!

If you look closely in the picture below, you just might see Zoey underneath that big wave. It hit her fast and hard!

She looked a little defeated when she emerged from the wave, but it didn't stop her from spending every minute she could jumping the waves.
Zander enjoyed the water as much as Zoey did. He, of course, was always with one of us, but he almost always had a smile when the waves crashed by.

The waves created puddles (or more like ponds) in the sand. The shallow water and the sun made the ponds very warm. Zoey dubbed it her "spa" and liked to sit in the water and soak.

Zander and I fought the waves and we won!