I had 'one of those moments' today. No, not the kind where I accidentally stop listening during the middle of a conversation, nor the kind where I forget to take the very thing I need with me when I leave the house.
It was a father moment. Maybe a baby moment. A father/daughter moment? No title seems appropriate for the quirky little sensation in my heart as Zoey does something brand new.
Today was Zoey's first official laugh. Judy and I have breathed, sighed and spoke, "I love you, Zoey" far too many times for any official count.
Zoey was enjoying some playtime on her Baby Einstein mat, and I had just returned from a run. While I was only gone an hour (ahem...ok...only 25mins), I missed her. I picked Zoey up, looked at Judy and told them, "I'm going to do a stereotypical dad thing now."
I sat Zoey on my right thigh, facing her toward me. If we hold her under her arms, pushing her shoulders up slightly, she's pretty able to hold her head -- at least as well as a bobble-head doll. I started to bounce Zoey on my knee, repeating a rhythmic, "A-rumba-rumba-rumba, rumb" as she stared in my eyes.
I couldn't tell if she liked this activity or not. I'd take a short break here and there, and she'd make her cooing noise. One time when we paused, her breathy coo turned into a voiced cough.
"A-rumba-rumba-rumba, rumb." Sneaky daddy smile, trying to engage Zoey.
Two distinct cough sounds followed by a quick gasp, the sound one makes when they suck air in quickly.
"A-rumba-rumba-rumba, rumb." More coy smiles. Head bent closer to hear her noises.
Zoey answers with her sounds that I only now begin to recognize as a chuckle, her first laugh.
This didn't last long, as she quickly tired of our little game, but both Judy and I were there to witness it.
I had 'one of those moments' today. They come and go so quickly. God Bless the moments.