Sunday, September 25, 2005

Rollin' Baby

So Zoey has been practicing rolling from her back to her tummy. Last night she got pretty good at it--she did it about three or four times. I guess it is time to baby proof the house. Zoey continues to amaze me. She is one happy baby!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Can you believe it? If you look closely you will see two little teeth buds starting to grow. Zoey is 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days old today. Watching a baby grow (especially your own) is awesome! Hope everyone is doing well!

Zoey is getting more comfortable on her tummy and although she hasn't been able to repeat the feat--she did roll over yesterday all by herself.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

For those of you who thought we misplaced Zoey--don't worry. :-) Here are some fresh pictures (finally) of our little growing girl!

Mommy recently celebrated her 30th birthday. Zoey throughly enjoyed the balloons. It was a source of entertainment for the whole family.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Zoey wants to stand-up early. She's happiest when she's standing and looking around the room. She may just walk before she crawls, defeating the normal standard of development :)

Can't get any better.

A little out-of-doors time. I think we should notice several pics of Zoey wearing a bib, as she seems to spit-up more when she's not wearing one.

Zoey tests out her new booster seat. She has been very interested in how we adults eat, so we think it's time to get her up to the table to eat with the family.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Zoey enjoying one of her many bears. They taste furry and feel funny. Posted by Picasa

Zoey was in good hands. Posted by Picasa

Mom and Dad go to the Twins Game Posted by Picasa