Monday, October 31, 2005


Happy Halloween! Try this link for my favorite halloween carol!

Zoey is 5 months old today and as a tribute to her mom's first Halloween costume (and her mom's refusal to spend money on a costume, when we were not trick-or-treating) Zoey and I made her costume last night. She was able to wear her costume at daycare today. I am sure that all the kids were super cute! Hope everyone had a safe and happy halloween.

Hello!?! Is anyone still there?

How do I get out of this thing?

Zoey was even more happy to have the costume off.

Honk, Honk

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Zoey likes books and noses...

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Sunday, October 30, 2005


Minnesota, Minnesota, GOOOOOOOO Gophers!

Here is Zoey and dad with her first admission ticket to any event--which just happen to be the Minnesota Gopher Volleyball game vs. Indiana Hoosiers. So much to see and hear.

It was a fun evening with Grandma and Grandpa Livingston and Greg, a family friend. Zoey was a little put off by all the crowd noise. Who could blame her?

For most of the game I held my hands over Zoey's ears so that the noise wasn't so loud. I really didn't realize how loud volleyball games could be.

Zoey bought a bottle from the venders and ate after she finally got used to all the noise.

Saturday Nights

Zoey has been pretty busy on the weekends lately. Last night the Gopher's game; last weekend she went to the Olive Garden, where she proceeded to get the attention of everyone who caught her eye. She did such a nice job--Zoey continually amazes us when we take her places. She never really puts up any kind of fuss. (Of course, by posting this, I am tempting fate, but I'll take my chances.)

Zoey and my Aunt Evonne.

Zoey and my Uncle Ted (She really was happy that night--I just never captured it with the camera.)

Grandma and Zoey watch all the comotion at the restaurant.

Zoey with Grandma and Grandpa Nyhlen at the Olive Garden.

Baby Parts--so cute!

I just think this is a cool shot. (I think I will take up photography as a mini-hobby.)

A happy baby means happy parents.

Zoey loves to read books. . .and by read I mean chew on them.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Zoey made a funny

Zoey was standing on Judy's lap, facing her. Zoey was pulling back on the neck of Judy's shirt, looking down and doing her bobble-head thing.

Judy says, "Zoey, it looks like you're going to spit-up down my shirt."

A moment later Zoey spits-up down Judy's shirt.

I was very entertained...

Sunday, October 16, 2005

We took a family trip down to Rochester today to help the Derrs celebrate Aiden's 2nd birthday and their new little girl Kiera's baptism. It was so nice to see everyone. Kiera is sooo cute. Lisa, Kiera's mom and Zoey's godmother, is estimating Kiera to be about 15 lbs--the same weight as Zoey! Kiera is about 6 weeks old. Amazing. Zoey put on a show for everyone as soon as the camera came out. Kiera was still wanting to nap. :-)

Saturday, October 15, 2005

This is what I am talking about. When you see a day like this, you just have to get out and enjoy it. And what better way to enjoy it than to take Zoey to the park.

She got just enough fresh air on this beautiful fall day. It made for a very nice nap this afternoon!

She enjoyed the playground near our school all decked out in her fuzzy hat, made by Grandma Livingston, and her sunglasses--that fit her much better now than they did when she was 5 days old.

Zoey explored new worlds today--she looked at leaves and liked the way they crinkled inbetween her fingers. It is fun to remember that EVERYTHING is new to her.

Zoey rested up for her night with Auntie Tammy and Grandma Livingston. I LOVE it when she falls asleep on me. This is what being a mom is all about.

Zoey seemed to enjoy having new people to play with on Friday night.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Zoey starts eating Rice Cereal!

Since Zoey has been prone to spitting up since birth, she has been on Added Rice Startch formula for quite sometime now. The doctor gave the go ahead for rice cereal and I just couldn't wait to get started. I love each stage that Zoey has been in and each one becomes my new favorite.

It took a little bit of work--but she started to really figure it out.

Daddy takes his turn at feeding Zoey.

Already holding her own spoon :-)

Zoey seemed pretty happy after her feeding. I think she liked it.

Zoey's 4 Month Appointment

Zoey had a very good 4 month appointment today. Dr. Norquist was very impressed with how Zoey can sit-up, roll over, stand supported on a lap, and has two little teeth. She is further ahead of most kids her age as far as the milestones of babyhood, but we have always been worried about her weight.

Well, I guess we should stop worrying now.

Here're some stats:

Head 17" which is in the 94%
Weight 15lbs, 1oz in the 79%
Heights 25.5" in the 88%

Zoey also received four immunizations today. DTAP, HIB/HBV, IPV, and Pneumococcal. Though she cried while the needle stuck her, she was smiling at the nurse before we left.

All in all, it was a very good visit.