Yummy! Sure cake is tasty, but it is even more fun to squish between my fingers.
Here is Cousin Kylie and Grandma Nyhlen. It was sure fun to see everyone today.
Daddy was a terrific cook and grilled for everyone at the party. Uncle Jack and Aunt Carol kept him company for a little while.
Here is a picture of Zoey's cake. (No, I did not make it myself.) But it sure was cute.
Here is Zoey's gift corner. It is full of generous and wonderful gifts from family and friends. Thank you notes will be in route soon, but Zoey has had fun with all her gifts so far.
It took Zoey a little bit of time to remember how to open gifts. Luckily we had our big helper, Aiden. He was more than willing to show Zoey how it is done. Thanks Aiden!
One of Zoey's gifts was a pushing/riding train--it was a big hit with Zoey and her helper.
Here is Kiera and Josh. Kiera really enjoyed the balloons. She is also growing too fast--why can't they all just stay small a little longer!
Before we went home, Zoey went for her traditional ride on the rocking horse with Nana. I can't believe that she can sit on it by herself. I remember when she couldn't even hold her head up!
This is the story of my trip to Peoria, Illinois. I didn't know what was in store for me on Friday morning when I was put in my carseat. Who knew that I would be in a car for 10 hours? We made lots of stops on the way. We were heading south to see my Cousin Amy get married. Here I am at one of the rest stops stretching my legs.
No! Grandma, please don't put me back in the car! It was actually a pretty good car ride both there and back. I tried to be good for everyone.
When we finally got to the hotel that evening, I didn't ever want to be in a car again. I had fun looking at all the neat things at the hotel and couldn't wait to go swimming the next day.
During the day, I went out exploring with Grandma and Grandpa. We went to the toy store and Grandpa bought me bubbles. They were very fun!
The we went to another kind of toy store and had some more fun.
I took care of some business on my cellphone at the hotel before the wedding.
A girl's got to eat!
Before the wedding began, I reaquainted myself with my great-grandma, great-grandpa, and great-great aunt Renelda.
The wedding took place outside at a wildlife park. It was a very hot day. I was able to stay inside with babysitters during this part. My mom told me that the wedding was very beautiful. Here is Uncle Daryl walking Cousin Amy down the aisle.
Here are Amy and Chris making their vows.
The reception was a great place to walk around and say hi to people--whether I knew them or not.
This is Great-grandpa Somogyi. I took this picture all by myself. That is my finger at the bottom.
I made eyes with anyone and everyone at the wedding.
Here is my Cousin Mason--he was fun to run around with. I had a hard time keeping up, though!
Come and get me, Mason!
Here I am just enjoying my time at the wedding.
Grandpa Nyhlen waited to dance with me at the wedding--but I was SOOOO tired. I couldn't last one more song. So we went back to the hotel to sleep.
It was a whirlwind trip, but totally worth it! I slept all the way through Iowa--they say I didn't miss much (I know that Godmother Lisa will beg to differ!)
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Here is Bean exploring today. She decided to climb into one of her toy baskets. Then when she realized that she was stuck in her basket, she picked up the book and read for a little bit. Next she found some toys to play with. Finally she decided she didn't like being stuck in a basket and got out.
Zoey made me a gift for Mother's Day at daycare--it is pretty cute--the flower is made out of a cut-out of her hand. Thanks Zoey!
Here is one of my Mother's Day gifts--can you tell who it is from? I was surprised with a great puzzle of the Minneapolis Skyline and Photoshop Elements/Premiere Elements--now I can spend hours editing pictures of my favorite subject--Zoey (of course).
A webpage documenting the Livingston family. Zoey Christine Livingston, or "Bean" as her family called her when she was in utero--Born May 31st, 2005 at 1:56 am. 8 lbs. 6oz., 19.5 in. long, and Alexander Wade (AKA Zander or "Sprout")--Born July 24th, 2007 at 12:03 am. 8lbs., 21.5 in. long.