We hope that everyone had a safe and happy Halloween! Ours went pretty smoothly. It was such a nice evening that we decided to forgo the mall trick-or-treating and stick to the neighbor hood this year. Zander went out to the nearest 4 houses and Zoey made it all the way down the block and over one street! As you can see by the pictures, Zoey was a princess this year--Princess Aurora, and Zander was a duck. It was pretty cute--Zander learned how to say, "Quack! Quack!" In fact Zander's language has exploded in the past week or so. He can sign: book, quiet, apple, light, bath, more. He can say: Dada, Mama, thank you, all done, nana, papa, banana, night-night, hi. (I am sure there is more. . .I will continue to add to the list.)
Here are the pictures of our Halloween events:

Zoey was so excited about trick-or-treating that she never really did stay still long enough to take a good picture of her in her costume.

Zoey made Halloween finger-puppets for her friends at daycare.

Here is our attempt at pumpkin carving this year. . .maybe next year!

Last weekend there was a Halloween party at our church. The kids had a great time.

Zander had a good time. Here he is amazing everyone with his ability to bowl. . .er. . just knock the pins down by walking into them.

Zoey had fun walking around to all the different games and events. There was scary stories, cake walk, fishing, pop-toss, and other fun carnival type games.

And of course the big inflatable jumping thing. . .