The kids are growing like crazy! Tyler and I are just trying to enjoy them and soak up all the cuteness that it them. Zoey is going through a growth spurt at the moment--she is constantly eating. She has been a member of the "clean plate club" all week long. And as for Zander, as soon as we put him in his big boy bed and got his haircut, he has decided to be a big boy in his communication too. He now talks in mostly complete sentences and is all about his big sister. Whatever she does, he is sure to follow.
Zoey lost another tooth yesterday (that is number 2 if you are counting). She was very excited about it and when she found another toothbrush and 4 quarters under her pillow again this morning, she declared that 3 quarters will go to the church. (She has declared that the tradition.)
Zander is very into music lately. Ever since Nana and Poppa gave him the percussion set, he plays the drums all day long! You would think that it is annoying, but it is actually pretty cute! Look at the set-up he put together to help accompany me while practicing for church last night--that's right, he set up this "drum set" all by himself, and put on his rockstar glasses.
On New Year's Day, Grandma and Grandpa Nyhlen came down to celebrate Christmas with us. It was fantastic to have them around for the weekend. The kids enjoyed all the gifts and especially loved going to the movies with them. They saw Disney's Princess and the Frog.