Zoey has lost another tooth. One of the top teeth and now the one next to it is loose too! She will have the cutest smile in a little over a week!
Last weekend we went to a celebration at the Roseville Library. Zoey got her very own library card. I am positive she will put it to good use.
Zander is kind of working on the whole potty training thing. It is a slow go, but I am sure he will eventually "get it." He seems a little torn (as am I) of becoming a big boy and leaving behind the diapers and sippy cups and stuff.
He has started showing a lot of interest in his letters and reading. He likes to make books. Today he scribbled on about 4 pages and asked me to staple them together. I asked him what his book was called and he said, "Where Can We Find a Spaceship?" It is a page-turner. At the end of February, Zander goes in for his preschool screening--it seems too soon.