So you are probably thinking that we didn't do anything over the summer because Judy is usually so good about updating the blog on a regular basis. Well. . .that is just not true. The truth is we were so busy, we haven't have any time to put all our great pictures up on the blog. So to make up for lost time this and the next few posts will hopefully bring us all up to speed. It may not be in the exact order that it all happened--but the gist is there.
In July, Zoey spent one of the hottest weeks of the summer at Tamarack Nature Center. She got to go on lots of hikes, learn a lot of new games, and enjoy a lot of nature.
We spent a bunch of weekends at the cabin up at Grace Lake. It is quickly becoming one of the kids' favorite places to be. They get to swim when ever they want, they know every one on the complex, there are other kids to play with, Grandma and Grandpa are there, and they fixed up the playhouse with Grandma. That was a big deal this summer too! They spent a whole 5 days away from Mommy and Daddy up at the lake. They did great!

Earlier this summer, I had to buy a new pair of sunglasses. So I went to the best place around. . .Poppa's work! The kids can with and got to see where Poppa spent his time and who he worked with. They loved trying on glasses.
Despite all the trips and things going on, we also did enjoy some downtime at home in the backyard just playing around.
Zoey and Zander with the neighbors.
The church near our house puts on a summer fair each year and it seems to have more and more each time we go. This year's new thing was the bungee jumping. . .Zoey all over it!