Zoey woke up this morning with goop in her eyes and the same stuffy nose she has had forever. Talking to Grandma Nyhlen on the phone this morning, I mentioned the stuffy nose and she said to be on the look out for an ear infection. The goopy eyes never got better throughout the day, so we didn't waste anytime calling Nurse Nanna. She thought it sounded like pink eye. We then called the nurses line and they sent us to Urgent Care. I took Zoey to the Urgent Care Express--a new clinic very near our house. It was so slick--at least tonight there was no waiting and the staff was very helpful. It turns out, Zoey did have pink eye (nice job, Nanna!) AND an ear infection (nicely done, Grandma!) in both ears. Then the doctor sent the prescription to a machine in the waiting room. I put my credit card in and Zoey's prescriptions came out. It was so easy!
It was too bad that Zoey has been under the weather all weekend. She spent the morning with Nanna and Grandpa yesterday, while Tyler and I finished up some holiday shopping, but we had hoped to get her out to see Santa (just for a cute picture) and also to stop by our friends the Roesch's to welcome their newest bundle of joy, Henry, to the world. Of course, I am not about to bring a sick baby to see a newborn--we will have to set that meeting up some other time.
Well anyway. . .Zoey is home now, fed and playing. She will be ready for bed soon. Tyler and I are both very excited about our upsoming break from work, and we are all excited to spend Christmas with our family.
We'll post again soon!
Have a Good night!