A year ago today Tyler and I were sitting at the Thanksgiving table with his family and Tammy said, "Can you believe it? Next year at this time we'll have a 6 month old baby at Thanksgiving." That was the moment that Tyler and I realized that we were really having a baby. Now it has been that year and we are so thankful to have her and can't wait to bring her to her first thanksgiving meal, where she will be trying some sweet potatoes for the first time.
Zoey is feeling better. On Tuesday night, we weren't sure what was going on with her. Tyler called me at school (I had to work late because of parent-teacher conferences) and said that Zoey wouldn't stop screaming. So I came home as soon as I could and sure enough, she just wasn't herself. It sounded like she was in pain. So we decided to have Tyler take her to Urgent Care to get her check out. Diagnosis: crying baby. What we did get was peace of mind, though. We were sure then it wasn't an ear infection. Zoey went to daycare the next day and had a nice normal day--good naps, good eating, and her very first craft. She came home and we had a nice normal evening. She slept through the night again, which hadn't been happening for the last 4-5 nights. And now she is napping. All is right with the world--of course until she learns a new trick. We have resigned ourselves to remember that nothing will ever really be normal again.
We are going over to Grandma and Grandpa Livingston's home today to celebrate Thanksgiving. Tomorrow Zoey and I are hoping to start decorating the house for Christmas. I think she will really enjoy the lights on the tree. Then on Saturday we drive up to Brooten, MN to celebrate Thanksgiving again with my family. Lots of Turkey!
Gobble Gobble!
Judy, Tyler, and Zoey

Isn't this cute?
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