Well, against many odds, I made it! Today was the day for the White Bear Winter Frolic. I know what most of you are thinking, "It was 13 degrees below zero this morning! What are you crazy?" YES! And honestly, with 5 layers of clothing, the sun, and two good running buddies to keep me motivated, it was actually quite fun. I completed my very first 5K run this morning. I am very proud of myself--running is a hobby that I started with my friends (and co-workers) Laura and Betsy just this school year. We run about 3 miles at least twice a week. I get such a rush from it! My time for today was 34 minutes 45 seconds. That will be my time to beat. I am hoping to do more races in the future.

Laura, Betsy, and me--pre-race.
Hi Judy,
I was going through my inbox of a jillion messages and found the link to your blog - how fun! Good for you--- becoming a runner! I still don't understand the "high,"...but anway. :) Your babe is beautiful and I'm happy to read about all the wonderful things that have been going on for you this year. My blog's address is: heartshine.blogspot.com Take care! Amy Brase
Congratulations!!! What a major accomplishment! Way to go JUDY! I understand the high. (I did a 10k once... I emphasize once.) It's great and makes it worth the pain afterwards. Heh!
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