After telling this story, Sarah and Matt mentioned that when they were selling their home in Colorado they were facing the same frustrations and were told by someone to buy a statue of St. Joseph and put it in their yard. So they did and three weeks later they sold their house.
I left with a mission--to find a place to buy this statue and put it in my yard. So I looked on line and found I figured that I would just buy it off the site instead of looking all over town. The website states the tradition:
The solemn tradition of burying St. Joseph in the earth began hundreds of years ago in Europe. During those times, an order of nuns prayed to St. Joseph (the patron saint of the family and household needs) when they needed more lands for convents. The Sisters were encouraged to bury their St. Joseph medals in the ground. The medals evolved into statues, culminaing with the complete "Underground Real Estate Agent" Kit currently available. Today, thousands of homesellers and real estate agents nationwide continue this successful tradition; they are looking for a little divine intervention. The St. Joseph Statue "The Underground Real Estate Agent" Kit was developed to assist you in continuing this tradition. The kit contains everything thing you need to successfully bury your own St. Joseph Statue. Be it fact or be it fiction, it's worked more than once. |
I also read the testimonials of a lot of people that have bought the statue and have sold their houses. Seriously, I have wasted my money on worst things than this. I took a leap of faith and put in my order for one St. Joseph.
As it would happen, Zoey woke up this morning with a cold. Tyler refers to her condition as "Faucet Face." She is leaking from everything--eyes, nose, mouth. So we made the decision to cancel our planned open house today so that she could stay in her comfort zone and have a great nap--which she did.
At about 1:30 this afternoon there is a knock at the door and a lady was there wondering if she had the right house for the open house that was advertised throughout the week. We explained to her that our daughter was sick and sleeping, but we would love for her to come in and look at what she could. She explained that she and her husband are looking to downsize and she works at the elementary school that is behind our complex.
I really don't care if she ends up buying the house or not, the point of my story is that St. Joseph has started working already--ONE person coming to an open house is more than we have ever had.
I will keep everyone posted on the St. Joseph story--but for me it is already a success!

1 comment:
St. Joseph, I've heard, has helped many people sell their homes. He's the patron saint of Fathers and Workers, so he'd definately be able to get God's ear about your housing situation. You're in good hands when you pray for him to intercede on your behalf. :D
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