It is the last day before our family gets back into the regular daily routine of work and daycare. To tell the truth, I think we are all ready. But, I will miss spending so much time with Zoey. She is very happy at her new daycare home. There are lots of kids to play with. I am excited about all the challenges that my school year hold and just want to get started. Tyler is also ready to start in a new place. Hopefully neither of us will have the dreaded teacher dream tonight--you know, the one where I am yelling at the top of my lungs and all my students are just laughing and throwing things around the room. I hate that dream! To all our teaching friends out there--Here is to a great year!!!
To celebrate our last weekend before school starts we did almost nothing. It was great! Tyler and I did some school shopping on Saturday. I held the open house for our home on Sunday--and yes, I did have a real visitor (a nice couple moving up here from near Peoria, IL!), and today Tyler and I took Zoey to the park--TWICE! It was her lucky day. We finished our day by grilling and eating on our deck. Zoey helped set the table and clean up afterward. She loves helping out.
can i take zoey to the park sometime? looks fun!
SOLD! Sign me up! :)
HI, I know you don't know me but I have been watching your blog since before Zoey was born. I have one son who is 18 and have not been able to have anymore kids of my own so I have been living vicariously through your blog.
Zoey is such a beautiful little girl and I am sure you have heard this a million times, treasure these times as much as possible because they just grow up too fast...and Mom, have more than one because it will be easier 20 years from now when Zoey leaves...lol
I just wanted to ask you, as strange question I know, if your coffee table top is on a hinge and lifts up to reveal drawers underneath?? The reason I ask is because when I watched the video and saw your coffee table, it looks identical to the one I have and if the top lifts up then it is...strange observation I know but hey...lol
Yes, it is the same table.
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