The technician who did the ultrasound said that she thinks it is a boy, but because I am only 18 weeks and he seriously wouldn't stop moving around, she wasn't able to snap a picture of the proof. Both Tyler and I are very excited about the news and are now on the hunt for that perfect boy name--and NO we will not share that until he is born.
So Tyler got his pizza. . .
But are you really going to deny a pregnant woman one of her cravings?
Zoey of course is thrilled with the news of a little brother. . .that and the fact that we finally bought her some new shoes that fit. :-)
A boy! A boy! A boy! Yea! But how will you know for sure?!
Well, truth be told, Eric thought boy, and I thought girl! I think Eric is clairvoyant.
Congrats! I will begin submitting boy names for consideration immediately, if not sooner!
OK, this is my third time trying to get my $0.02 worth in.
Did the u.s. tech point out any postitive data on the ultrasound that showed you Sprout was a boy?? Or was Sprout really a fast mover?
Grandpa and I were commenting on the odds of: how can two people from a family of one boy and one girl produce another one boy and one girl family? The odds of that happening are astronomical!!!
You all look very happy. We are very happy for you. A fun family outing to the ultrasound room is a day to remember.
Congrats to you all! Hope you're feeling better Judy!
Congratulations! How exciting!
It was so cool seeing you today, Tyler and Zoe! Hope to see you again soon.
CONGRATULATIONS. I haven't been online in awhile and when I went to check my favourite blogs, I heard your good news.
I wish your family all the best for a healthy and happy baby boy.
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