As the weeks before my school year slowely comes to an end, I am reminded how fast time goes in reality. Does that make any sense? I have been really tired lately, but very busy as well. Tyler and I made the decision that removing the wallpaper from our home would help the sale of the house. So far all it has done is make buyers focus on how old the upstairs carpet is. But the I think the walls look great! Tyler and his dad worked very hard on priming and painted last weekend. Thanks for all that work. So on Mother's Day, I stayed at Nana and Poppa's house with Zoey and just hung out.
Here is a picture of our bedroom--probably the place where the wallpaper was the most prominent. I love the color--it is so peaceful!

We had a showing on Thursday evening so we decided to take advantage of being displaced from our house and go on a picnic at Lions Coon Creek Park--one of Zoey's favorites. She is becoming so independent on the playground. She can climb and go down slides all by herself. Of course that doesn't mean that I don't hold my breath as I watch her play, but it does make me feel a little better about this summer--I was a little nervous about how to entertain her this summer being 8-9 months pregnant. I don't feel comfortable climbing around on the playground.

As for an update on Sprout, I am 30 weeks along. Sprout is growing big and strong--I can tell by how active he is--loves to move around and kick me. All my appointments have gone well. At my last one, the blood test said that my iron was low--so I am taking extra iron supplements to help. It would explain why I have been so tired lately.
Everyone think good thoughts and hope that we can sell our house and find a new one--I would love to have a new place by the time sprout has arrived.
1 comment:
Wow! What a difference the lack of wallpaper made! It looks great! I can't wait to be able to take Hazel to the park to play!
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