Update--had my doctor's appointment on Wednesday--everything is fine. I was told to continue to rest as needed and limit my activity as needed. If anything like last Sunday happens again after 36 weeks, they won't take any measures to stop labor--but obviously the longer Sprout is safe inside, the better. Next appointment is July 11th.
Zoey had her 2 year wellness check today and she just went in to that doctor's office and showed hime everything she could do. I made sure that she told the doctor about her ouchy knees and how her "tummy hurts, baby kicking." Zoey believes that she too has a baby in her tummy that is kicking and makes everything hurt. The doctor remembered that she is the kid who growled--so Zoey didn't disappoint--she showed him her best lion sound and told him all about her birthday. It is so much fun to watch Zoey interact with other people. She isn't a shy child. Then came the vaccination shot. She and I talked about it before the nurse came in and talked about being brave. When she got the shot, she held both my hands, grimaced, and then was over it. No crying at all. She got her sticker and we left. Zoey is in the 50th percentile for weight and height and still in the 90th percentile for head size.