Summer vacation has officially begun for me and Zoey and I have lots of things planned. Unfortunately the first two days of my vacation--I actually have to go to school to work. (Yes! I know I love my job! I am a work-aholic.) But this summer is going to be anything but carefree and relaxing--so I am looking for ways and people to help me keep my mind sane.
As everyone knows it has been a long road to sell our house--but as of yesterday we have a nice red SOLD sign to hang by our door. That is right. We have sold our house and are in the process of looking for a new place to call home. The whole process is nervewracking to me and we wore ourselves out looking for homes last weekend. Zoey had a great time house hunting. She wanted to play with everyone's toys that were at the houses--she was so good. As of right now the closing date for selling our place is July 27th (do the math. . . two days before Sprout is due to arrive). We are trying to work out a different date--but it will depend on where we move. Keep thinking good thoughts so that everything goes smoothly. And of course there is an open invitation to anyone willing and available around the end of July to help move. (. . . .crickets chirping. . . .)
We need to extend some more good wishes out to family. . .We want to say Happy Birthday to our future brother-in-law Eric (June 2), give a shout out to the newly 30 Uncle Robby (June 5th)--Happy 30th Birthday!, Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary Aunt Evonne and Uncle Ted--it was great to see everyone yesterday! Great-Grandma Somogyi has a birthday on June 18th--so Happy Birthday! And who am I missing. . . .Oh yeah--Tyler turns old on the 18th too. . .but I am sure we will dedicate another blog entry to this event.
Kevin and I are willing to help like we did when you moved in. We showed up with perfect timing. Happy b-day early Tyler.
Congrats and Happy House Hunting to You!!
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