Zander is 3 weeks old now. He likes to be held all the time and is still in his "all I do is eat and sleep" stage. He does feel and look bigger to me everyday. He is getting better at staying awake during the day--but that hasn't made the nights any easier. He will usually go to bed between 8 or nine and sleep just fine until the next time we feed him. If I go in to feed him, I usually end up falling asleep and he and I sleep in the rocker until the next feeding--it is a bad habit--but I am so tired that I can't stay awake! Tyler and I believe that he is uncomfortable and a little gassy at night--hopefully we can figure out why he can nap just fine in his crib during the day, but at night he must be held. It is a mystery.

Zoey on the other hand, is happily testing her limits every day. She is learning the art of stalling at bedtime and trying to get Tyler and I to come in her room after we have put her to bed. I have to admit she is pretty good at it--I hear her now--Let's see what she needs. . . milk. Fortunately, Tyler and I have watched enough Nanny 911 to know that we need to be firm and consistent. (Easier said than done--but we are working on it.) The one thing we can count on is how Zoey wants to help out with Zander. When Zander cries, Zoey is right there telling him that it will be okay and tries to cheer him up. She lays down next to him during tummy time and keeps him company. She asks to hold him a lot. She also loves to help with bath time. Tonight was the first time they took a bath together and Zoey thought that was pretty cool.

One of the things that I have been meaning to do for sometime now is to make a list of Zoeyisms. Things that Zoey says and what they mean. I will add to this list as I remember things or new things arise:
1. Boppers = diapers
2. Uh-oh Jello = her interpretation of Uh-oh Spaghetti-os
3. Naked Baby = before bath every night Zoey goes on a naked baby run--which means she runs around the livingroom in her diaper and hides until Daddy comes and finds her.
4. Horse Rough = her combination of horse play and rough housing--which she and daddy do almost nightly.
5. Hi, Juice! = She likes to play jokes on us. So while sitting at dinner, for example, she will look at us and say, "Hi, Juice!" Then we are suppose to say hi back. so we say, "Hi, Milk." She will usually reply with, "I not Milk. I Zoey!"
6. That's my joke! = Her newest joke on us is putting in her pacifer and running out to the family room to show us. She knows that she is only suppose to have her pacifer at nap and bed time. But she likes it when Daddy tells her to put in her room and then chases her around. She told us the other day that it was her joke.
7. My nockers = her word for her binoculars. "I use my nockers to look at animals."
This list will grow. . .
1 comment:
Zander, it's time you understand what it means to be the second child. By the time Zoey was your age, there were 34 pictures of her on the blog. You currently have 24--sorry. Actually, that's a pretty good number. Just remind your parents that you are growing fast, and pictures are important. :)
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