Here is Zoey last Sunday showing off her badges of bravery. She donned all 13 stickers, her admittance braclet, her daffy duck band-aid, AND the pink bracelet that I forgot she received.
Tyler stayed home with her on Tuesday and she seemed to be doing better.
Today at work I was talking to some friends about Zoey and how I just couldn't figure out what was wrong (and neither could the doctors really). And as we talked it came out that she may be cutting her two year molars--which could explain a lot. For example--it may be why she has literally chewed through three pacifiers over the weekend. It may be why she tells us her ears hurt. It may explain the nightwakings--last night at 2 am she woke up and wanted a massage. (Little punk! I don't do massage at 2am!) It could also explain a little of the fever and the overall grumpiness and why every little thing sets her off. The only thing I can't get her to admit though is that her teeth hurt. Hmmm. . . I do believe that she had a virus also over the weekend--because of the high temperatures--but the teething thing helps me understand a lot of other things.
Here is the big 8 week old. Still smiling--just never for a camera. He has learned how to smack his lips and likes to stick out his tongue. He is taking his bottles better now and even had one night where he slept from 9pm to 4 am. And although we haven't been able to duplicate that night--there is a glimmer of hope.
1 comment:
I;m so glad to see she's starting to feel better overall. That must have been so scary for you guys. Yuck.
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