About a month ago I asked Zoey what she wanted to be for Halloween. "A Ghost," she said. I asked her a few days later. "A ghost." I showed her costumes at Target--which she oohed and ahhed at. "Now what would you like to be for Halloween?" "A Ghost. A scary one. Boo!" So being the crafty mother that I am (ha ha!) I found an old crib sheet and cut a hole in it--tried to make it long enough to look like a ghost, but short enough so she wouldn't trip all the time, attempted to cut a circle for her face--all of which is not easy with a two year old that never quits moving!
So last Saturday, Zoey got to test out her new ghost costume downtown North St. Paul--the stores there were passing out candy to all the trick-or-treaters. Here is Zoey riding in the stroller. She was very tired and could barely find the energy to say, "More! More!"

Zoey was really getting the hang of saying Trick-or-Treat and then saying Thank You! and after a while wanted to do it by herself! This was the first one she did with out Tyler or I right with her. She was very proud of herself.

On Sunday we went over to our friends' house and joined in their Pumpkin Carving Party. There were a ton of other families there and we all sat in the back yard and carved our pumpkins. The picture below shows about the most help I got from Zoey in the process. She wasn't interested in carving a pumpkin. She wanted to pick candy off of the Gingerbread House that was there for DECORATION!! Argh!

She did stick with me long enough to say that she wanted her pumpkin to be sad. Then she posed with the pumpkin. She is becoming quite the empathetic little toddler. One of my favorite lines of her's lately is when we are reading and she says, "I want to go into book and help that little one." or "I want to go into book and give that baby kisses."

Zander was with us for all of our weekend activities--teeth and all! Here is our little penguin chillin' out at the pumpkin party on Sunday.

I have another Zoeyism to add to our ongoing list:
We were playing with her play dough and she made something and came to show me. "Mommy, these are my knockers." Hmmm. . ."Sure, Zoey. Those are nice knockers." I sometimes feel like I am playing Mad Gab when we talk. She says something and I keep repeating it to myself until I can turn it into something that I understand. Knockers. . .knockers. . .(Zoey puts it up to her eyes). . .AH--
1 comment:
those ghost pictures make me laugh!
looks like zander enjoyed is dressing up too.
auntie tam
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