Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Signs she is growing up
Zoey was downstairs playing quietly a couple of days ago and came running upstairs yelling, "Mommy! I wrote my name!" Then she handed me this post-it note. I must say, that being a reading specialist, I was quite excited to see her attempt. This morning, Tyler told me that Zoey looked at the jeans that Zander was wearing and they had the letter D at the bottom and the words dump truck. Zoey read the words, "Happy Birthday Halloween!" It is VERY fun for me to see the process of learning to read and write from the very beginning!
Here is Zoey's picture of herself. She told me as she was drawing what everything was. "Here is the head and here are some toes."
Zoey is carrying around her drumsticks, exploring what things sound like when she hits them. She also asked me to put her hair in a ponytail. This was the best I could do.
Then the kicker. . .Zoey is still plugging away on the potty training journey. She has had some set backs, but has been doing well overall. She doesn't like it much when Tyler or I go in to help her. She wants to do it all by herself. So today we let her go in and potty all by herself when she told us she had to go. After about 5 minutes, Tyler goes to check on her and says, "Get the camera!" So I went to see what was up--here is Zoey at the sink. Please notice that the pull-ups are put on over her pants and her hands are full of soap. She has the right idea, but. . . we may still have some work to do.
On the napping front, we have had 4 days in a row of good naps and overall good bedtimes, too. I hope I am not jinxing it. I am not ashamed to admit that it took a little bribing with some art supplies, but the deal has been that if she has a good nap (or at least a good quiet time) she and I get to watercolor together afterwards. So far, so good.
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That's one of the cutest and funniest updates yet. I've always known she's brilliant.
i laughed out loud at work! good job zoey! right ideas across the board! you are so fun!
auntie tam
Zoey - don't worry. sometimes we all have problems remembering which goes on first -- pants or pull ups; pull ups or pants.
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