All right folks, take a good look at this dress. You will see it a lot in upcoming pictures, because Zoey wants to wear it all the time. She has entered her dress phase--it is pretty cute.

Today she wanted to be with Zander all the time. She was in the crib with him for
a while (and yes, she gets in there by herself.) She wanted to lay down with him and
"pretend sleep" on the floor.

She wanted to hold him by herself on the chair.

Zander finally got to be by himself.

Tonight, Zander had baby peas for the first time. He ate almost the whole thing.

I really wish he would smile more. . .
Zoey and Zander are adorable!
More info on the Princess:
Nana took on some sick child babysitting today. 1/30/08
After a little Tylenol took effect, Zoey got up off the couch and said very seriously, "I want to dance, I need my Princess socks, my Dancing dress and some music. You, Nana, get the music. And I'll get my Dancing dress and my Princess socks." She came upstairs with some socks that had bows on them that looked super tiny. She said, even before the small socks registered on my doubtful face, "these fit me, they do, and I need these to dance." I looked at the socks, slid them on her feet and smiled. (The socks fit perfectly.) Off we went to find a suitable dancing dress. At first we tried another pink dress in the closet but it just wasn't good enough (too small). THE dress was found neatly folded by mom in the laundry room. We also found tights since it was 39 below wind chill outside.
We went upstairs to dress the Princess and it was easy as pie. All fitted out - tights over the Princess socks - Zoey aked me to play the piano for her dancing. I don't know how to play the piano...? so... I'm playing Livingstonkowsky Prelude Number 2 while Zoey twirled and did some floor hip hop.
Finished with her solo she said, "OK, Nana, now you dance and I'll play the piano!?"
Usually I never turn down an opportunity to dance but soloing is not my thing so Zoey played the piano and I rested. We had a short dance lesson in the kitchen and that was the end of that -- the dress stayed on for the rest of the day. No way was that going to come off.
About an hour later she realized she didn't have on her Princess underpants. Off came the tights and socks before I turned around and she ran into the laundry room to find the proper underpants. Fully dressed in no time flat she was a happy camper.
We did puzzles and I was told, "Nana, you're not so good at puzzles, but I'm good at puzzles." I got lots of help with my puzzle.
Spending time with Zoey is an amazing adventure into the bright and interesting mind of a precocious toddler/preschooler. Her understanding and vocabulary is surprising. I find myself having to upgrade my conversation to her level.
Lively Gran
Having kids is a wonderful thing in life. Hope you enjoy it.
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