The Easter Bunny came today and left baskets of stuff for the kids. Included was sunglasses and garden supplies--as the Bunny knows that I want to plant a garden with the kids this summer. Most of our day today was spent driving back from Grand Forks where we were able to spend time with family and friends. Thanks Lisa and Josh for having us over on Saturday. It wore the kids out just enough for them to nap on the way to Kylie's birthday party! And it was great to see you today, Vanessa! I enjoyed meeting Owen. He is so cute!

Zander stealing a few Easter eggs.

Here are some pictures from the weekend. They are all from Kylie's 2nd Birthday party. Zander didn't really realize what was going on, but Zoey sure had a good time.

Kylie had a blast with all the balloons that her mom had placed around the house. Here she is running through them all.

We of course had to try to get a picture of all three together. This one is the best one I got.

Uncle Robby and Zander.

Zoey was really into all of Kylie's gifts--especially the tricycle that she got. Zoey did her best to take turns with her cousin. There were only a few fits thrown.

Here is Zoey singing happy birthday to Kylie and waiting for her piece of cake.

Grandpa and Zander.

The rest of the weekend was great. Tyler and I sneaked away a couple evenings and went out to eat and went bowling (I just have to brag a little that I got 4 strikes in a row!)
Spring Break is now over and everything will be getting back to normal. We are all feeling better. And just an FYI- I have been cleared by the doctors from my blood clotting issues--so I don't have any more blood tests or medications to worry about.
We hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter!
Those sunglasses are a scream! A little nerdy... but cute. Wait 'til they grow up and see those pictures.
Oh, come on....You didn't want to put the picture of Zoey hugging Zander to death on the blog?
Anyway, I'm happy you all had fun. I know it meant a lot to all of us that you were able to share in Kylie's special day.
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