And below is proof that Zander is finally taking some time to sit and relax.
On a different note, I wanted to document some of Zoey's recent insights on God. After a dinner party we hosted for some friends a few weeks ago, Zoey listed the houses that she wanted to go to next. She wants to go to Kylies' house, Kiera's and Aiden's house, Sean's house and God's house. We told her that we would need to wait for an invitation for most of those, but we can always go to God's house. Zoey has asked to go to church every Sunday since. (Good for her!)
I honestly can't remember how this next statement came to be, but Zoey told me one night that "God came to us as a yittle, yittle cute baby. Then he grew up to be very, very, very, very BIG!"
Last night Tyler and Zoey were reading bedtime books and Zoey told Tyler, "God takes broken people and fixes them."
At least this one isn't an April Fool joke. Way to go, Zander!
Zoey would be a preacher's dream....
What is that saying -- "Out of the mouths of babes..." ? How amazing to conceptualize God and Jesus so soon.
Go Zander! You look like a pro, sitting and exploring.
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