The weekend we have all been waiting for has come and gone and it was wonderful! Tammy and Eric's wedding was held on Saturday up in Duluth. Tyler and I took the kids up on Friday and met my parents who were there to help look after the kids. They started by giving Zoey an early birthday gift. She got her own digital camera so she could document the big event in her own way. (That means we got a lot of pictures of the wall, her shoes, and cut off heads. I will blog a few later for all to enjoy.)

Zander was a little sick throughout the even, but he did just great. He was happy for almost the entire weekend--except for of course, the actual wedding ceremony. But Grandma did a great job of keeping him occupied with paper to crinkle.

On Friday night Tyler and I enjoyed spending time with the wedding party at the groom's dinner. It was good company and delicious food! Tyler was a groomsman in the wedding. Here he is with the bride herself on Friday night.

After the rehearsal on Saturday morning, we went over to help set up for the reception and I took a picture of the view outside-Duluth is so pretty!

Zander was a "ring bearer" and absolutely not ever allowed to go near the rings. He was so cute in his little black suit. What a charmer!

This picture proves that princesses do wear band-aids. Zoey happily played with the toys in the toy room while she waited for the big event to beginning.

Zoey handled all the attention of being the flower girl wonderfully. She adores the flower girl dress that Nana made for her.

Here are some pictures from when we were sitting around for pictures.

Anytime Zoey was able to be with Tammy, her face just glowed! Zoey was especially impressed with the fact that her dress was the same as Tammy's. She kept telling me that Tammy was a princess too.

After the ceremony Zoey turned into a rockstar and we all went over the the reception to help the happy couple celebrate!

My brother, Rob, recently pointed out that we have no family pictures of the four of us--so we tried.

The first dance.

Tammy and her dad.

See what I mean about the smile?

Zoey has been wanting to dance at the wedding for some time now. She really got down!

Tyler and I at the end of the night.