I just spent the last 3 hours
organizing all the pieces. That's it. Just taking pieces out of the box and laying them out in the garage. Lucky for me, I had exactly the right amount of baggies for the 30+ small bolts, screws, washers, etc.
I have yet to attempt anything "handy." I have successfully sorted, an adult version of putting the round peg in the round hole.
Below you'll see the carnage.

I think a trip to Barley Johns would be in order for some take out.
When Zoey gets home, I'm sure she will help her Daddy.
Grandpa Nyhlen
good luck man - i hope you didn't get it at ikea, where the most you get for direction is a picture with some arrows. cuz it looks like you'll need more than that to make this work!
auntie tam
Good Heavens! Are you sure you were supposed to take it all out of the box at one time?
Good Luck! Can't wait to see it up when we come for Zoey's birthday party.
If it's not up, I volunteer my husband to help. ;)
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