A little out of order, but here are our pictures of our 4th of July weekend. We went up to Grandpa and Grandma's cabin on Grace Lake for a couple of days. Since we have one, we decided to try putting up the tent and have Zoey sleep in there with one of us each night. It also helped the sleeping situation in the cabin since there were 6 adults, 3 kids, and 2 dogs. (Uncle Rob, Auntie Nicole, and Cousin Kylie were there too!) Zoey really liked sleeping in the tent, except for all the firecrackers being shot off all weekend. The noise spooked Zoey, Kylie, and Misty (their dog) pretty well--so much that we weren't able to enjoy a fireworks show this year, oh well! Zoey's other favorite thing of the trip was going out on the paddle boat. Both girls went out on the boat quite a bit. It was beautiful weather the entire time and fun to hang out with everyone. Zoey and I went out to watch the sunset and she turned to me and said, "Wow! Isn't it beautiful?. . . Well, the sun went to bed, good night!"

Kylie found a little spot of her own to get away.

The kids did a little wrestling on the big bed. I think Zander can take the whole crew!

Kylie LOVED being outside and in the water.

Zoey and Grandma enjoyed a paddle boat ride.

Here is that smile again. . .what a ham!

Zoey and Kylie played patty-cake in the laundry basket.

A little dinner outside for Zander.

Grandpa and Zander posing with the shirt--a picture of me when I was a baby.

Tyler and the boy scout put up the tent. It is about time that we got to use it. . .it was a wedding gift 4 years ago.

My only shot of fireworks--not my best.

Zoey enjoyed the water also. She is getting pretty brave. She wants to go back to the lake again soon and do it all over again.

Zander's video of him enjoying some beach time. Once again, I am proud to say that we all came back sunburn free! Yeah!!!
We hope that everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July!
Looks like all had a fun time. Congratulations on surviving a trip to the cabin with little kids and making sure no one got sun burned! How were the bugs???
We enjoyed the time we spent with you too. After you left and we came back to the cabin Kylie kept asking where Zoey and Zander were.
I guess we will have to do it again when we come to your house. Only 2 weeks away.
that looks like SO much fun! that lake and beach looks like a nice and fairly clean one. is the paddle boat yours? i remember going on paddle boats with my dad and tyler at como lake when i was zoey's age. it was something i would look forward to. what great memories for all!
auntie tam
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