"That's right, ladies. . .I'm Yummy!"
We spent New Year's Eve at Roz, Kevin, and Hazel's house. It was fun to hang out and play games. Zoey absolutely adored Hazel's new kitten Molly. (Nobody get any cute ideas. . .we are not ready for a pet.)
One of the things I have been meaning to do on the blog lately is document some of the words that Zander has been saying. Fourtunately, he said all my favorites on the video clip below. But here is a list of words he can say at 17 months:
Melmo = Elmo (my favorite)
Gocks = socks
People: dada, mama, nana, poppa, Bob
Food: cracker, nana (banana)
all done
bye bye
Animal noises: moo, baa, neigh,quack-quack (another favorite of mine), he can also howl like a coyote and growl like a bear/lion
Grandpa doesn't believe that Zander throws tantrums....nothing that a Great Dane puppy wouldn't fix!
Zander, you are one sweet kid!
Auntie Tam
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