Well, almost a four year old. Even though Zoey turns four next weekend (the 31st) we kept to our traditional Memorial Weekend party and celebrated with family on Sunday. If left to Zoey, she would have invited everyone she has ever said hi to. It was an absolutely gorgeous day!
We started our Sunday getting ready for the party. Chef Zoey was in charge of making her own surprise birthday cake. We didn't tell her what the cake was suppose to be until we finished it.

"Tah-Dah!" it's a Carousel Cake--in honor of Zoey's love of the carousel.

We took some pictures of the birthday girl before she had fun getting all messy.

Zoey with Uncle Eric and Auntie Tammy.

Nana and the Princess!

Zoey kindly telling Baby Owen, "It's time to open
my gifts now."

About a week ago, Zoey wanted to have some bubble wrap to play with. Bubble wrap that I didn't have. So I found some at work, wrapped it up and gave it to her as a gift. You would have thought she won the lottery. It was a hit.

Owen enjoying the swing set.

Zander woke up on Sunday morning with an ear infection. So he was quite crabby for the first part of the day. But after a good nap and some antibiotics, he was ready to party with the fam.

Kiera had a good time in the sandbox.

Hazel loved the pinwheel.

Godmother Lisa and Zoey

It was a great party and it was awesome to see everyone. As soon as everyone left, though, I looked at Zoey and noticed that she had "goop" in her eyes--and since Zander had just recovered from pink eye, we knew what we were dealing with. So we got the prescription over the phone and went to pick up the eye drops.
You would have thought we were torturing the poor girl. To say that she despises the eye drops would be an understatement. She saw through all of our tricks. It took 2 adults each time to pin her down and force her eyes open for the drops.
She went to daycare today and had to get two sets of drops at daycare. Tonight when it was time for drops, Zoey told me that Mary had a secret about getting drops. "All I have to do is stay still and look up!"
Is that all? Wow! I should have thought of that. . .stay still and look up! Unfortunately, she was only brave up until the time that I tried to put the drops in. But, I had to once again call in reinforcements and tackle her to get the drops done. I hope we only have a day or two left of this.