Today was Zoey's real birthday. Tyler and I treated her to a movie at the theatre. We saw Pixar's new movie UP in 3D. It was very well done--a crowd pleaser. At the end of the movie as everyone is silently taking in the beginning of the credits, Zoey says, "Wow, that was a great movie. I have to go potty!" And away we went.
Last Friday was the Fun Fair at my school. We took the kids and Zoey had a great time. Zander was mostly just along for the ride. Here is Zoey riding her horse Candy Kisses.
Happy Birthday, Miss Zoey! You are a very special girl who, indeed, lights up our lives with your smiles and sense of humor.
You can feel free to slow down the growing up now, though. It is going so fast. You were little enough to fit on my arm between my elbow and my wrist, and then BOOM! Now you are 4! How can this be?
I love you very much and can't wait to see what's next for you!
Auntie Tam
Happy b-day Zoey! I can hardly believe you are 4! It sounds like you had a great b-day!
Zoey ~ Sometime you and auntie need to go on a real horse! I would love to experience that with you.
We love you and hope you had a great birthday!
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