Saturday was the day that Tyler and I just kept going through the garage and our house finding more and more stuff to get rid of. We came across the dart board that we had at our old house when our basement was a game room. We haven't used it since we moved here and thought we could try to sell it. Zoey saw it and was immediately interested in this thing she never knew we always had. Tyler laid it out and we put a fair price on it. When a customer asked, "How much?" I noticed that Zoey had covered the price tag with all the darts. Later on that day, I was going around reorganizing some items and looked down at the old rugs I was trying to sell and noticed that the price tag on them said, "$25 firm." Well, no wonder no one was buying the rugs that I had originally priced at $4 for both! ZOEY!!!
We took this as a hint from Zoey and took the dart board off the market--we will hang it in the garage and hope when she goes on to win the National Dart Board Championship, she remembers all those who got her there.
Here are some pictures of our summer so far. . .
Zoey has been testing every limit out there since she turned four. Here is a picture of her after a typical night of refusing to stay in her bedroom at bedtime.
Zander is in the mist of a language explosion! He is putting together phrases and really getting the hang of this communication thing. . .
Just some of his phrases include:
Dadda go?
Ba, where are you?
Mama sleeping!
Thank you
All done milk.
My turn (my gurn)
Dadda juice, please
baball baball tins (Baseball, Twins!)
In the video you will hear: I did it! and Bug, bug, bug. . .
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