So why am I at home blogging on July 4th and not out enjoying fireworks? Pure exhaustion is a good way to describe it and also a bout of "things just aren't going our way." This week, Tyler has been off of work and we completed a bunch of house projects--including "finishing" the painting of the house (yes, we know there is some touch up work, but it will have to wait), and painting the downstairs bathroom.
On Friday, Nana and Poppa took the kids to Como Zoo for fun with the animals and some rides. They had a blast! Thanks Nana and Poppa!
I received this email this morning from Nana (It is too Zoey not to share. . .hope that is ok!)
BTW: Zoey must have cut about a 2.5 inch piece of hair off while she was supposedly going potty in the bathroom. I was getting lunch ready.
I found the hunk of hair in her dinner table chair and asked her where it came from and she said: "it must have fallen out of your head, Nana." I said, "but it looks like your hair, Zoey."
"Oh, it probably fell out of my hair then." says Zoey. Hmmmm....?
Ya gotta watch her all the time! (you can see the spot in the front of her hair near her ear.)

On Friday night, we went over a friend's house for a bonfire and fireworks--it was a blast and we kept our already tired kids out until way past their bedtimes. Then on Saturday, we hopped in the car and road tripped out to Mayer to spend the holiday with Roz, Kevin and Hazel (our goddaughter).

Our plan was to eat, play, nap, and then go to a huge park with a swimming pond. Here we are playing at the park before nap time. . .

Nap time went fantastically. Then we all piled into our cars, swimsuits on and ready to go play. As on cue, the dark clouds rolled in and it started to rain. . .hard. Roz called with plan B to go to the lake in Waconia where it looked like the rain clouds were gone. As we drove to Waconia, it did seem like the clouds were going away. We had settled Zoey down from her initial disappointment and said that we were going to another beach. As we pull into the lake, the rain cloud found us again and it threatened rain. Roz called again with plan C. . .we were just going to go to a park and play. Zoey by now is beyond disappointed, she is crying hard and just doesn't know what to do with herself. She doesn't want to do anything but swim. As we pull up to the park, you guessed it, it started pouring rain. Plan D is put into motion. . .let's drive to the local ice cream shop for ice cream. Zoey thought that was a great idea--her disappointment disappears. We drive to the shop, praying that it isn't closed for the holiday and enjoy our ice cream. . .

While we are eating, Zoey remembered that Roz had made cupcakes and really wanted one. Roz said that she would give us some to take home with us. It was still raining hard when we left, so all the adults were focused on getting kids strapped into carseats without getting soaked. We drove away from Waconia to head home and again, as if on cue, the sun broke free and it turned into a beautiful evening. Half way home, we realized we were cupcakeless--another diappointment that Zoey would have to live with today. Just don't tell her that we made the executive decision to skip the fireworks tonight because the kids (and I) were so tired. . .she wouldn't be able to handle it.
We will try to find a lake tomorrow to hang out at and see if we can ease Zoey's pain.
Tyler however has a ton of energy--he can even do pushups with Zander on his back. . .
Love the 4th of July update! Sorry about the cupcakes!!! There are some shoes and a sippy cup here too! Thanks for coming and we hope to go to the lake today as well!
I'm tired just reading about all you did!
Love, Nana
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