I was thinking over the weekend that I haven't put together a list lately of things the kids are doing/saying. So here is a start:
- knows most of his colors
- can count to 3
- can repeat almost any word you want him to
- can climb out of his pack-n-play (at daycare)
- does his chore of putting his dirty clothes down the laundry shoot
- still loves baseball--plays it every night in the family room with his little baseball and inflatable bat
- is an outdoor boy
- "Hehwo. . .I dalk on the bone. . .g'bye" (Hello, I talk on the phone, goodbye)
- hates getting his hair washed in the bathtub
- is getting a little better at eating more at dinner time
- drinks about 10 gallons of liquid each day. Ok, maybe not that much, but he always is asking for a dink of dada juice (Crystal Light), ahda (water), apple shooce (apple juice), or mook (milk), peeaz!
- still wants to do everything that Zoey does
- loves to read and look at books--his favorites are Z is for Zander, his Twins board book, and Richard Scarry's Things that Go--he loves to look for Goldbug!
- can obviously hoola-hoop pretty darn well
- loves to play house (almost to a fault)
- wants to be a mommy when she grows up
- loves to wear dresses, fancy shoes
- is finally letting mommy do her hair in pigtails
- has her imaginary friend Robin (Hood) who she is going to marry some day
- can navigate the internet very well
- loves to play on the computer and watch movies
- Favorite Movies at this time: Kung Fu Panda, Robin Hood, Horton Hears a Who
- Says her favorite color is every color in the rainbow
- very compassionate--draws pictures for other people and loves to give gifts
- plays the birthday game--she is the mommy and she throws a birthday party for her kid. She wraps her toys in all her blankets and has hijacked many of mommy's gift bags and then the kid (usually Tyler of myself) gets to open all our presents.
- loves sweets
- doesn't go to bed well. . .I just don't think she needs as much sleep as normal people. We won't give up trying though. . .
- likes going to the park
- likes tracing shadows with sidewalk chalk
- is just starting to figure out how to ride a bike
- sings the best lullaby's--just makes up words as she goes along
- has an amazing memory--knows many many songs
- will be starting swimming lessons again next week--she is so excited!
Wow! My grandchildren are so talented and extra special :)
Love, Nana
Thanks for the update post! I just love to hear how they are growing and changing and developing their own little personalities. Lights up my day!
Auntie Tam
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