Yesterday morning, Zoey's loose tooth finally decided to come out. It is so little! Since Grandma and Grandpa are in town for the weekend, Zoey is sleeping in our room which gave Tyler and I an enjoyable experience of being in the same room with her when she discovered that the tooth fairy had visited. Here is how it went down. . .
Zoey put her tooth in a little gold organza bag for the Tooth Fairy and put it under her pillow. Then she eventually went to sleep.
Zoey woke up at around 5 am this morning. She reached under her pillow and pulled out the toothbrush that was left by the tooth fairy. From under my covers, I hear her whisper, "Yes!" Then she very politely comes over to me to show me the toothbrush. I asked her to try to go back to sleep for a couple of hours and she did.
At around 7 am she sits up in her bed and starts to examine the toothbrush in the light of the window. Again from under my covers, I hear her whisper in just a sweet voice, "Wow! It's a Barbie toothbrush! It is the one I have always wanted!" Then she leaves the room to go tell Daddy about this awesome toothbrush. When she comes back to get the toothbrush, she can't find it. She looks under her pillow and finds the organza bag with four quarters inside. She squeals in delight, "Mommy! The Tooth Fairy left the bag! And there's money in it!" Then she went back on the hunt for the toothbrush.
So she looks around a bit and decides that maybe the Tooth Fairy made a mistake and came back for the toothbrush. I assured her that I didn't think that was the case and I got up to help her look. There was a little glitter spread around on her bed. I asked her what that was, and she and I decided that it was a little fairy dust left behind. Zoey figured it was a clue and if we followed the fairy dust we'd find the toothbrush. That wasn't the case, but we did finally find the toothbrush in the living room, for those of you who are wondering where it went.