Zoey is 4 years old. Tonight she came to us with a loose tooth! I was under the assumption that this doesn't happen until the 1st grade, so I didn't believe her at first. But, she proved me wrong. Zoey has mixed feelings about this loose tooth thing. She has gone from scared to excited to sad back to scared and a little excited. She told me what she is most scared of is swallowing her tooth. That is my worry too! She is however excited for the Tooth Fairy to visit, now that we explained who she was. (No, not the scary tooth fairy that was Uncle Eric at Halloween . . .
We will keep you updated on the actual loosing of the tooth and give updated pictures!
A quarter!? Isn't that carrying Dave Ramsey a little far? Looking forward to the next chapter of the loose tooth saga. Check out http://www.canteach.ca/elementary/songspoems38.html.
A webpage documenting the Livingston family. Zoey Christine Livingston, or "Bean" as her family called her when she was in utero--Born May 31st, 2005 at 1:56 am. 8 lbs. 6oz., 19.5 in. long, and Alexander Wade (AKA Zander or "Sprout")--Born July 24th, 2007 at 12:03 am. 8lbs., 21.5 in. long.
I can't wait to hear!!! Good luck Zoey!
A quarter!? Isn't that carrying Dave Ramsey a little far?
Looking forward to the next chapter of the loose tooth saga.
Check out http://www.canteach.ca/elementary/songspoems38.html.
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