Since we moved into our current house, Easter is fast becoming one of my favorite holidays. The weather has been nice and we tend to spend most of the afternoon out in the backyard. . .playing. The Easter Bunny spoils the kids with lots of candy, egg hunts, and overflowing Easter Baskets. The church service is always wonderful. This year was especially fun to watch Zander's face when all the brass and percussion instruments were playing. Zoey is the complete opposite of what I remember being like as a kid. She LOVES to dress up in a pretty dress for the occasion.
It is just fun!

A little noodle-fighting with the family.
Watch out Nana and Poppa--Zoey is pretty good. "En Garde!"

This is the game that Daddy and Zoey affectionately call "Run, Catch, and Throw Up!"

Nana is ready to hit against the up and coming pitcher for the Minnesota Twins!

Auntie Tammy and Zoey taking a brief break from the action.

Uncle Eric's sister Molly and her son Darian joined us for our Easter celebration.

Uncle Eric took a lot of photos. . .I am hoping to get some copies of them, because I know he captured a lot of neat shots!

Zoey was an expert egg hunter this year.
(She should be, this was her 3rd egg hunt of the weekend!)

On Good Friday the kids and I decorated our Easter Eggs.

There was also the annual egg hunt at daycare.

Other exciting events from our weekend included a visit to Hazel's house to help her celebrate her 3rd birthday! It was a lot of fun! The kids especially enjoyed the cake!
I love the pictures. It is crazy how fast they are growing and changing.
Looks like a really fun day! Sort of personifies that "this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!"
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