December flew by as always and I can't believe all that we snuck in. Above is a picture of Zoey's letter to Santa. Here is the translation: Dear Santa, I want a Tangled Castle. I be good diss year. I already have lots of toys. I help my family on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Love, Zoey. Below is a gift tag that she made at a girl scout function. I'll let you try to figure it out. (The answer is at the end of this post.)

Speaking of Girl Scouts. Zoey is enjoying being a Daisy. We went with the girls in her troop to see Disney on Ice. Her expression is a good clue--if you are wondering if she likes it or not.

Zoey sang at church a few Sundays ago and Nana and Auntie Tammy came to watch her sing. She had a lot of fun sitting with them after she was done.

We attended the annual Cookie Party at Mary's house. All the daycare kids gathered around Santa when he stopped by for a visit.

Zander had no fear and went up and asked Santa for a Buzz Lightyear.

Zoey, believe it or not, was speechless when she sat on Santa's lap. She asked for nothing.

Here is a happy Zander sitting on Mary's lap after opening his gift from Santa and Mary.

We also found some time to go outside and sit in a fort.

(Answer to Zoey's gift tag: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All the Way.)
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