I have to admit, my favorite holiday is Easter. I love the message of Easter, the church service, the music, and mostly the memories that have been made playing in the backyard after a big Easter dinner. We have been fortunate to have beautiful weather on Easter--so playing in the sun has been fantastically fun! Here are more than a few pictures highlighting our day.

The day started bright and early with an Easter Basket hunt. The riddles, read by Zoey herself, led them all over looking for clues. The mailbox was just one of the places they had to go. They finally did find the baskets. . .in the bathtub!

Grandma and Grandpa Nyhlen came to visit for the whole weekend. On Sunday afternoon Nana, Poppa, Tammy, and Eric came to join us. Zander started the party with a little friendly sword fight with Nana. Argh. . .

After dinner, there was another egg hunt in the backyard.
I have to say, they are getting better at finding the eggs.

Zoey and Zander tried to catch Uncle Eric while playing "Frogger" on the swing set. It is an unsafe childhood game I remembered from my elementary days. One player had to walk down the middle of the swing set while everyone was swinging and try not to get hit--doesn't that sound like a good time?

Zoey wanted to be a human sling shot. Just wait until we introduce her to the game Angry Birds--I think she'll get a kick out of that.

She still has some mad hula-hooping skills. She just keeps getting better.

We have to give credit to Grandma for trying to show Zoey up.
It was a valiant effort on her part.

Nana and Grandma played a little game of Noodle Hockey.

Little Slugger

Gracie hid from all the excitement. She didn't like the game that used a big ball.

The Livingstons and The Plumbs

Zoey may be getting a bit old for this game. But daddy proved that he could still throw her up in the air (without dropping her!).
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