As much as I don't want it to happen, Zoey grows up a little bit more each day. On Tuesday, May 31st she will turn 6 years old. Since we are not throwing a big family party this year, Zoey will celebrate her birthday in parts. Today was part 1--Nana and Poppa cam over for dinner and dessert to help Zoey celebrate her birthday. Zoey was especially excited to receive another Magic Ticket as a gift. This ticket will get her, Nana, and Auntie Tammy into the play
Annie next Sunday! It is now a tradition to go to plays with Nana--the kids love it! She also received some nice clothes--including a nightgown.

There was also a package from Grandma and Grandpa Nyhlen waiting for Zoey. We let her open it tonight only to find this super cool bed-tent! Just perfect for a princess! Tonight after Tyler put her to bed, she had some adjustment issues with the tent. She came upstairs crying that it was scary in the tent and that she felt like there were monsters in her room. I of course told her she was crazy--however I took her back downstairs to reset her. As I was tucking her in again, she said, "The girl on the box looks so happy while
she sleeps!" I promised her that she will look that peaceful too when she finally falls asleep.

On a different note. . .here is a picture of the kids when they returned from a random trip to the public library. It makes me happy that they can't even wait to get up the stairs before they start digging into their books.

Zander has a new found interest in learning his letters thanks to my iPad. He came up to me today and said, "Let's learn more letters on the iPad, Mommy!" (You had to be there to really appreciate this, but when he says iPad, he points to his eye--I love that kid!)
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