Tuesday, May 01, 2012

The Season Opener

I have decided that watching 4 and 5 year old kids play t-ball ranks up there as one of the cutest things ever. Arguably as cute as sleeping babies, puppies, and little kids' invented spelling--hey I'm a reading teacher, it's what I do. So here is the story of Zander's season opener for his first year of t-ball.

Last night at practice the kids all get their jerseys and hats--SO exciting. Zander came home from practice singing "Center field." He and his friend Sammy wore their jerseys to daycare on Tuesday in great anticipation of their first game.

Tyler and I both had tough days--mine dealing with the 5th day of the virus that I've been fighting and his ending with a headache that needed some rest time. So we pulled it together and got the kids fed and in the car--ready for the t-ball game. Taking a right turn on to a busy street, we accidentally rear-end the car in front of us. So, of course we need to stop and exchange all the insurance stuff. (Timeline: game starts at 6:30/it is 6:28) The kids are extremely patient in the back seat, but Zander starts to realize that we are going to be late, or in Zander's mind "miss the game." Hence the face below:
 (I couldn't resist taking a picture of that face. 
Tears are literally welling in his eyes at this moment.)

It was taking a while for things to get resolved--waiting for the city AND the state police to show up. So I left Tyler at the scene and got Zander and Zoey to the park for the game. WHEW! Then I took the car back to the scene and we took care of everything and returned to the park to enjoy 3 innings of kids hitting and chasing around the ball. (Thank you Mary and Bob for keeping an eye on the kids!)

 Zander is number 2--on deck.
 Mary's (our daycare Mary) grandson, Sammy, is on the team so both boys had a good cheering section.

Here the boys are enjoying their after game snack.

This video will hopefully convey all that is cute about T-ball. When the ball was hit, EVERYONE leaves their position to go chase the ball. Watch the swarm of red shirts go after the ball. This happens every time. Love it! 


On the way home from the game, Tyler and I were listening to the kids chat in the back seat. Zander told Zoey, "Zoey, we can't talk back here when we go to t-ball. So that mommy and daddy don't bonk the car again." We think that we can use this false association to our advantage. . .

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